This was an awesome moment in Yellowstone National Park – we were the only ones on a small side road when all of sudden, this majestic elk stepped out onto the road. It took its leisurely time crossing the road, giving us an awesome eyeful as it did. I initially fumbled with my camera to change the lens and happily, was able to fire off a couple of shots.
As this elk was taking his sweet ol’ time walking, just behind our car, another bull ran out of the woods, hurried across the street, and disappeared into the woods on the other side. Though it was only late August, we ventured that the two might have gotten into a fight just before, and this second elk had been the loser. Unfortunately, this happened so fast that we barely had a chance to take it in, much less get any photos.
What an amazing sight to see – two huge bull elks, all in one day, and we didn’t even cause a traffic jam!
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